Stuart Pet Supply Co. Professional Strength Instant Carpet Spot Remover (32oz) Instant Carpet Stain Remover, Carpet Spot Cleaner, Upholstery Cleaner, Rug Stain Remover & Carpet Cleaner Spray

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases DON’T GIVE UP ON YOUR CARPETS because this stain remover solution can clean almost anything! If you have a rug, carpet, upholstery or clothing that has a gross stain on it, we’ve got your back. Our powerful formula is professional strength

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DON’T GIVE UP ON YOUR CARPETS because this stain remover solution can clean almost anything! If you have a rug, carpet, upholstery or clothing that has a gross stain on it, we’ve got your back. Our powerful formula is professional strength to ensure that your carpet looks new again. HANDHELD MACHINES ARE A HASSLE and even though they claim to provide superior results, it isn’t always the case. The key is having something on hand to deal with a stain the moment it happens instead of waiting until it’s set in. REMOVE STUBBORN SPOTS – this cleaner has instant cleaning power, some might even consider it a miracle. It’s safe enough for your home but strong enough to be used in commercial settings. Pet stains, dirt, grime, food, coffee, red wine, grease, blood, ink, rust, cosmetics, vomit and more are no match. SAFE FOR MOST SURFACES – toddler spilled on your sofa? Need a treatment for upholstery? You can clean anything that can safely be dampened with water.

Product Features

  • PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH- Instantly removes tough carpet stains without rinsing or vacuuming.
  • INSTANT RESULTS – Spray on stain, agitate with fingertips or brush and blot with an absorbent cloth.
  • SAFE-Instantly removes tough spots and stains from colorfast carpets, rugs, upholstery and clothing.
  • REMOVES – pet stains, dirt, grime, food, coffee, red wine, grease, blood, ink, rust and cosmetics.
  • MADE IN THE U.S.A. – If you are not 100% happy with Carpet Spotter, send it back for a full refund!

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases